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Summer is here again

Summer is here

Summer is here

Summer is here again

We’ll say goodbye to the cold east wind

We’ll say goodbye to the rain

We’ll say goodbye to the clouds in the sky

For Summer is here to stay

Yes, Summer is here again

The birds sing sweetly in tune

The sky is blue up above

It’s been a while since I saw the sun

But Summer is here my love

It’s time to play in the dusty streets

It’s time to play in the sand at the beach

We’ll say goodbye to the friends we knew

The long hot Summer to come

A ship is steering beneath a hot sun

A breeze is blowing upon the galleon

The land is breathing forlorn

Gardeners pray for a storm

The heat from the harbor rising

Like a bird from a cage escaping

It’s time to hide beneath the shade

Play marbles with the friends I made

The pale moon shines upon the sea

The night is cool and dreams are free

My bed is soft I float with ease

I’m cool with the evening breeze

Soon the day’s fire will return

To chase the night away

The land and fields will burn

It’s joy and an endless day

Summer is here

Summer is here

Summer is here again

We’ll say goodbye to the cold east wind

We’ll say goodbye to the rain

We’ll say goodbye to the clouds in the sky

For Summer is here to stay


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