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We all know caffeine makes you smarter and better looking but did you know lawyers and hotel workers prefer it black? The hotel staff know a thing or two about what goes on behind the scene believe me. A survey sponsered by Dunkin Donuts found that 34% of coffee drinkers need it to make it through the day. It occurs to me the other 66% were probably only half awake and didn't understand the question. As for teachers and writers well they seem to prefer the flavored varieties for some reason perhaps because they don't take the whole business of coffee very seriously. If you still don't think you need caffeine as a crutch do you cry out every morning "Is it break time yet?"If you don't get a break then you are probably an illegal alien working in a kitchen run by a ruthless dictator who doesn't give a crap about the employment development department and will fire your ass as soon as look at you.

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